The Youtube world has turned out to be a very popular social media platform in the past couple of years. Most of my friends watch youtube more than netflix, that's saying a lot for our generation. Along with youtube comes the content creators. Some content is great and funny, but some need to stop. Here is who should be cancelled.
Emma Chamberlain- I'll admit, I was an Emma Chamberlain stan at the beginning of her career when she was still blonde and living in San Francisco. But as shes grown to gain more followers and move to LA, she's turned into one of the most annoy youtube. If you follow her on Snapchat, you are hip that you have to turn your volume down because she is just screaming into the phone. If she went back to her old ways, she would be 10x more enjoyable.
Jake Paul- If you don't know this youtuber than you must live under a rock. He is one of the top "vloggers" on youtube. I question that statement everyday. There is so much contreversy behind him, he seems to be not a nice person and a complete narassist. His vlogs are staged and the music he comes out with is not far from Rebecca Black's "friday."
Jacob Sartorious- This kid has been the face for "cringe" for awhile now. Ever since he came out with his song sweatshirt, he was brutally made fun of on the internet. I wouldn't go to the extent of mocking him, but he should be stopped. His music isn't good, at all and if you've ever seen his musically's you know that there is no unseeing.
Hopefully in 2019 we can get rid of these obnoxious youtubers or at least make them have better content. These were just my opinions, if yours differ comment down below!!
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