Tip #1- Don't think its a breeze.
I was not aware abut how hard sophomore year is from freshman. No one told me or prepared me for such an extensive step in grade change. I think freshman to sophomore is worse than middle school to high school. Teachers expect a lot out of you and grades start going on college transcripts.
Tip #2- Don't slack off-
If colleges are looking at your grades its important that you start with a high grade point average. One C is okay but if you add more the lower your average goes down and the harder it will be to pull it up in junior year since you're focusing on SAT/ACT.
Tip #3 Enjoy it-
Looking back it, my sophomore year went by so fast so make sure you enjoy all the moments. GO to every party you can and laugh as much as you can because you want to look back at high school with a positive view.
Also sophomore year has a lot of benefits. You finally aren't the babies in the school, people take you more seriously and most exciting you start to drive!!!
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